Campus Ministry

Examen Conscientiae

What is Examen?
Saint Ignatius of Loyola adopted Examen as a short prayer (15 minutes) that is performed 2 times a day whenever, wherever (which is most appropriate). Most people like to do Examen during their lunch break and at night when they want to sleep. At lunch, you look back at how the day went from morning to noon while you prepare yourself for the remaining half of the day. In the evening, you look back on your day from noon (during lunch) to the time you did the Examen at night and prepare for tomorrow.

In Examen, we rewind our past experiences that we recently had to find the presence of God and the blessings that He bestows in our lives. We also look back at moments in the day where we may have been hurt by certain experiences, or times when we have fallen into sin or mistakes. We are grateful for the blessings we receive. We ask for forgiveness for our fragility and ask to be healed of our wounds. After reflecting on the days that have passed, we also look to tomorrow and ask God to show us the challenges and opportunities we might experience. We ask for the graces we need to live tomorrow better: patience, wisdom, self-control, peace, optimism, etc. We believe that God wills so our day goes well.

Some Tips Before Getting Started

A. Keep it short

It is recommended that the Examen be made in no more than 15 minutes. One of the characteristics of this prayer is straightforward, it can be done here and there, such as a washing machine “wash quickly, dry quickly, use immediately”, or a music player that “just plugs and plays” Examen are not meant to be or provide a deep (spiritual or mystical) experience. Examen is designed to be a simple moment now-here to remind me of God’s presence and direct my life towards Him. This does not belie that nothing big or important can happen during Examen.

Usually, Examen takes place in the middle of working hours or at the end of a long, tiring day. So, Examen was meant to be a present-here way of prayer and did not require complete stages of meditation. Some people find it helps to set an alarm or alarm clock for 10 to 15 minutes so they don’t have to look back and forth at the clock.

B. Skip to Specific Sections

I don’t need to be too fixated on following Examen’s guidance that is provided step by step. I don’t have to wait for an answer from a stage before moving on to the next stage. Examen is not a math problem! The existing guideline is more useful to give consideration to me about a certain point where God wants to show “something” to me. This process can be imagined as a parent helping their child find Easter eggs, “Maybe there, kid? Have you been over there yet? ” When I found that point, I left other things behind and stayed there with God for a while before continuing.

C. Don’t Get Trapped in Sin

Unfortunately, the Ignatian Examen is all too often understood as the Examination of the Heart (in the 30 day Spiritual Exercise). Indeed, both of them made me look back at my life as a whole. However, both have different goals. The Examination of the Heart (in 30 days of Spiritual Exercises) aims to prepare me to do confession and receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation while the Ignatian Examen is broader than that. The purpose of the Ignatian Examen is to see my life as a whole (past-present-future) with God. What is reviewed is not only my negative side but also the positive side of my life.

Reflecting on my sinfulness is one of the gifts contained in the Ignatian Examen. However, I have to be careful not to fall into guilt, sin, failure. Coping with sin – reflecting on it, lamenting it, seeking a path of repentance from it – is the same as keeping me centered and busy with myself.

D. Care the Feel of Prayer

Because it is too practical, sometimes the realization that Examen is prayer can be lost and turned into mere practice. In order to maintain its essence as prayer, Examen must be God-centered. That is,

  • Please God alone guide. I asked God to show me how He looks at the day I have been through.
  • I am conversing with God and not talking to myself.
  • I hear God’s voice. With my inner eyes, I saw what God was doing. What does he want to tell me right now? Does he smile at me? Is he listening attentively to me? Is he just silent and distant?

God is often “silent” and therefore can feel very distant. Our faith tells us that God is never far away – He is present
in every molecule in our body. But we often don’t feel God’s presence. It is okay! Don’t worry. This experience is normal and even felt by Saints from Teresa Avila, Teresa Lisieux, to Teresa Calcutta. To be a prayer, we don’t need to feel God’s presence all the time, we just need to point ourselves to Him, be oriented towards Him. We don’t actually have to hear God speak, we just need to open our ears to listen if He says something. As long as we are open by listening, we will be led to Him, whether He says something or not.

E. Begin and End Examen in Your Own Way

It would be good if we started developing personal ways of starting and ending Examen. Some people start their Examen by praying for Our Father, or by singing a short song like “Amazing Grace,” or by repeating a favorite verse from the Scriptures. (“My heart is steadfast, God, my heart is steadfast,” – Psalm 57: 7) Others have bowed first in a place to make it a place of prayer. Catholics will usually make the sign of the Cross. Some people find it helpful to slowly inhale and exhale. The point is I have a simple, concise, and solemn way to start entering prayer and ending it to return to daily life.

Traditional Ignatian Examen

Saint Ignatius suggested the following 5 stages; tasting (Relish) the grace I received, asking (Request) the guidance of the Holy Spirit, playing back (Review) my day, doing repentance (Repent) for my mistakes, and building the intention (Resolve) to live more good tomorrow.

  1. I started my Examen as usual.
  2. First, I taste. I ask God to show you all the gifts and graces He has given me today, from the very large (my life, security, compassion) to the seemingly miniscule ones (a good night’s sleep, a confirming call from a friend, work. resolved, a compliment to me). For each gift that arises, I take a few moments to give thanks and praise the majesty of God.
  3. Second, I beg. Since I need God’s help to be more realistic in seeing my weaknesses from the point of view of His compassionate love, I ask Him to pour out His Holy Spirit upon me. I asked Him to lead me and go ahead during this prayer process, rather than leaving an opening for me to make it obsessive musing on the things I didn’t like about myself.
  4. Third, I rewind. Hour after hour, I turn my day back. In my imagination, I relive the important experiences of my day. I live in those important moments.
  5. Fourth, I ask for forgiveness and repentance. While researching my day, I continue to thank God for all the gifts I have encountered. However, I pause at certain experiences – when I think something bad, say things I shouldn’t have said, or do things improperly. I also pay attention to the opportunities I miss, such as when I could have been more Christian but wasn’t. When I encounter times when I have not fully become who I am according to my deepest calling, I pause and ask God for forgiveness. I tried to feel His mercifulness heals me, then make me clean and whole again.
  6. Fifth, I build my intention.. What I have recognized during this prayer is myself and my life. I ask God to show me, in concrete terms, how He wants me to respond to Him or what He wants me to do tomorrow. Importantly, I begged Him to let Him show His call for me to become the person I am tomorrow. I developed the intention to become that kind of person. I can also make some kind of commitment to support that intention. Please help me to make me according to His will.
  7. I ended my Examen.

An example of Examen Conscientiae:

Try to sit down in a relaxed and peaceful manner. For those who are still walking, take a break in a place that makes you comfortable and calm.

  1. Thank God for the things you are grateful
  2. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you look back on the journey of your life during this day
  3. Ask yourself (positive thing):
  • What good things have I experienced today?
  • What good things have I done today?
  • Be grateful for the good things
  1. Ask yourself (Negatives):
  • What are the bad things I experienced today: that bothered me, that frustrated me, that hurt my heart or that made me sad?
  • What are the bad things that You have done.
  1. Tell Allah about your day, for example, ask Allah to help you so that your problem can be resolved properly or ask Allah to forgive you for the bad thoughts, words, and actions that You did today.
  2. What can I do to improve myself for tomorrow.

Thematic Examents:

Theme: Honesty

To start the examen, sit back and relax, breathe regularly, and we make the sign of Christ’s victory, “In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.”

Close your eyes, feel the feelings that arise in your heart… focus on the dominant feeling… feel it and be silent. In this silence, look back at how today I behaved and behaved honestly:

  • Am I honest with myself, with my parents, and with my friends?…
  • Am I honest in doing assignments and honest in doing tests? …
  • Am I being honest not just because of being watched or out of fear of punishment, but because I love honesty and I can’t help but be honest? …
  • Wouldn’t we feel satisfied and valuable if we managed to get good test scores honestly?

Remember and feel it, realize it all as it is.

Let us imitate the attitude of being honest and not looking for the face of Jesus, Master, and our Lord, so that we do not falter, do not just seek safety, but dare to take the right side.

If friends are moved by something that feels meaningful, it is better if it is written in a daily journal so that it becomes a valuable treasure that is not easily forgotten…

Let us end this afternoon’s examen by praying: Lord, teach us to be honest and not look for faces. Teach us to be brave and firm against dishonesty. Amen.

Theme: Students Attitude

To initiate the examen, take a proper sitting posture for prayer, and we make the sign of the victory of Christ, “In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen. ” Close your eyes, listen to the voices around you, listen to your own inner voice… and be silent.

In this silence, look back at today’s journey:

  • How do I prepare for today’s study? …
  • How do I follow the teachings of the teachers? …
  • Am I doing assignments or tests honestly and thoroughly? …
  • Am I being proactive and sportsmanship? …
  • Am I sincere in sharing but also willing to be evaluated? …

Take a look at the most memorable experiences and see what they had taught me.

Let us weigh my experience today with the interaction of Jesus the Teacher and the Lord together with His disciples, who guide me gently and strictly.

If friends are moved by something that feels meaningful, it is better if it is written in a daily journal so that it becomes a valuable memory that is not easily forgotten …

Let us end this afternoon’s examen by praying: Lord, cultivate in us the attitude of a student who is ready to learn from happy events or sorrow so that we can be more focused on the perfection of each of us. … (Other prayers). Amen.

Theme: Responsibility for Talents

To start the examen, sit back and relax, breathe regularly, and we make the sign of Christ’s victory, “In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.”

Close your eyes, become aware of the feelings of our body starting from the head, body, feet, and vice versa… Be aware of the dominant feeling, maybe feeling tired or dizzy, .. and be quiet.

In this silence remember again how I made use of the mental power from waking up in the morning until noon this day:

  • Am I enterprising and active or sluggish and lazy? Am I actively using memory or am I just ignorant and glaring? …
  • Am I actively thinking as a student or busy playing like a child? …
  • Have I fulfilled my obligations, namely obliged to respect others, obliged to provide educational contributions, obliged to listen to teachings from the teacher, obliged to make demanding records, obliged to take part in maintaining school facilities and infrastructure, obliged to take part in maintaining the cleanliness of the environment?…
  • On the other hand, have I received the rights I deserve, namely the right to respect, the right to receive satisfying learning services, the right to ask questions, the right to use educational facilities and infrastructure, the right to personal guidance, the right to conducive learning conditions? … Remember and feel, realize it as it really is.

If you are moved by something that feels meaningful, it is better if it is written in a daily journal so that it becomes a valuable personal wealth that is not easily forgotten.

Let us pray: Lord, teach us to understand and fulfill our rights and obligations properly. Teach us to live meaningfully for ourselves and for others in need, for Your glory and for our salvation. Amen.

Theme: Thank you for…

I started examen as usual. Spontaneously, I opened up a conversation with God about different things, people, and experiences that make me feel so grateful. I said to Him, “Lord, thank you for…” and I gave my mind the freedom to wander from one gift to another in my life, without driving here or there with my consciousness. I watched what my heart and soul were telling God right now. After that, I wrote down a few things to make it a precious memory for me. Then I closed this Examen with Our Father’s prayer.

Theme: I’m sorry for…

I started examen as usual. Then, I told God things, people, and experiences that made me feel bad, guilty, bad. I said to Him, “Lord, forgive me for …” and let myself continue. I listened carefully to what my heart and soul was telling God right now. After that, I wrote down a few things to make it a precious memory for me. Then I closed this Examen with Our Father’s prayer.

Theme: Help me with…

I started my examen as usual. With God I talked about things, people, and experiences I would encounter in the future where I needed God’s help. I also talked with God about things, people, and experiences where at this time I needed His help. While thinking about this day and the future, I prayed, “Lord, help me with …” and let myself continue. I noticed what my heart and soul was saying to God right now. After that, I wrote down a few things to make it a precious memory for me. Then I closed this Examen with Our Father’s prayer.

The Traditional Examen Prayer

  1. I get into a comfortable position. I let my muscles relax and mind quiet down. I take a deep breath and ask God to make his presence known around and in me. I feel this presence and soak in it.
  2. I ask God to reveal all the gifts and graces he has given me today, from the big ones (life, safety, love) to the small ones (a good night’s sleep, a phone call from a friend, a compliment). I thank to God for each of the gifts.
  3. I ask God to fill me with his merciful love. I ask God to be the leader of this prayer time, rather than obsessing over myself or the day.
  4. Going hour by hour, I review my day. In my imagination, I relive each significant moment of my day. I linger in the important moments and pass quickly over the less relevant ones.
  5. I continue thanking God for the gins I find in my day. I pause at any of the difricult moments of my day. I pay attention to any missed opportunities, when I could have acted in a certain way but didn’t. When I find moments in which I was not the person I was called to be, I ask God forgiveness. I try to sense his healing mercy wash over me.
  6. I ask God to show me concretely, how he wants me to respond or what he wants me to do tomorrow. I ask God to show me what kind of person he is calling me to be tomorrow. I resolve to be that person and ask God for His help.
  7. I ask myself if there are any last words I wish to say to the Lord.
  8. I close with one or two of the following gestures: I make the sign of the cross, bow, or say an Our Father.

The Examen: Habits

  1. I begin in my usual way.
  2. I spend a few moments in gratitude, thanking God for one or two of the blessings, big and small, that I’ve received today: the good mood I woke up in, a kind word from a friend, my undeserved good health, an easy commute to work, another day with my wonderful spouse.
  3. Looking over my day, I ask God to show me a few of my habits. I try to see my one thought or action today that is actually typical of the way I think or act. For example, I may find myself saying to Christ, “Lord, looking over my day, I see that I am in the habit of . . .”
  • criticizing and nitpicking my friends, faculty and staffs, teachers.
  • staying focused on my work, once I’ve had a strong cup of coffee
  • putting myself down for the smallest things
  • wasting time on the Internet
  • greeting people warmly when they walk in the door
  1. It’s usually easier to see my unhealthy habits than to see the healthy ones. When I do find an unhealthy habit, I speak with God about it. Perhaps I’ll  ask God for forgiveness, or for healing, and for ideas about how to break the habit.
  2. But I don’t want to settle for simply looking at my bad habits. I won’t rest until I find a couple of good habits in my day today. When I do find them, I will give thanks and praise. I speak to God about why I’m so grateful for this good habit.
  3. I now look to tomorrow. What bad habit do I want to break? What good habit do I want to cultivate? What graces will I ask God for in order to help me break these particular bad habits and grow these particular good habits? I speak with God about this.
  4. I end in my usual way.

The Examen: Most Important Moments

  1. I begin in my usual way.
  2. I spend a few moments in gratitude, thanking God for one or two of the blessings, big and small, that I’ve received today.
  3. I ask God to show me the most important moment of this day—the moment that had the biggest impact on me or on others, whether that impact be physical, spiritual, or emotional. Why was it so important? How was I feeling, deep down? Were there any negative thoughts or emotions that I did not admit to having (for example, fear of rejection)? Was I spiritually free or unfree in that most important moment? What were the consequences of that moment? As appropriate, I give thanks, I ask for forgiveness, I ask for healing.
  4. If I wish and have the time to do so, I can return to my review of the day, asking God to show me another important moment of the day. I talk with God, using the same questions above. Again, I give thanks, ask for forgiveness, ask for healing.
  5. Now, I look to tomorrow. Specifically, what do I think will be my most important moment tomorrow? What are my great desires for that moment? I allow my great desires to well up within me. I place these desires in God’s hands and ask God to make them holy. I ask God to show me what grace or virtue I need to be the person I want to be at that moment. I ask for that grace or virtue.
  6. What other important moments may I experience tomorrow? I talk with God, using the reflection questions above.
  7. If I feel called to do so, I make a concrete resolution to be the kind of person I feel called to be.
  8. I end in my usual way.

Kehendak Allah

Sang Sabda yang menjelma, ajarilah aku berjiwa besar

sebagaimana mestinya bagiku.Ajarilah aku memberi

tanpa pamrih, berjuang tanpa mengeluh, bekerja tanpa

mengharapkan imbalan.Ajarilah aku untuk sepenuhnya

menyerahkan diri kepada kehendak Allah; sebab satu-

satunya yang kuharapkan ialah hasrat yang tulus untuk

selalu melaksanakan kehendakNya di dalam segala sesuatu.


[St. Ignatius Loyola]


Kuatkanlah Aku

Bapa Abadi, kuatkanlah aku

Putra Abadi, kuatkanlah aku

Roh Kudus, kuatkanlah aku

Tritunggal Kudus, kuatkanlah aku

Tuhanku yang Maha Esa, kuatkanlah aku.

[St. Ignatius Loyola]


Ambillah Tuhan

Ambillah Tuhan,

Dan terimalah kemerdekaanku, ingatanku, pikiranku,

dan segenap kehendakku, segala kepunyaanku dan milikku.

Engkaulah yang memberikan, padaMu Tuhan kukembalikan.

Semuanya milikMu, pergunakanlah sekehendakMu.

Berilah aku cinta dan rahmatMu, cukup itu bagiku.

[St. Ignatius Loyola]


Jadikanlah Aku Pembawa Damai

Tuhan, jadikanlah aku pembawa damai.

Bila terjadi kebencian, jadikanlah aku pembawa cintakasih.

Bila terjadi penghinaan, jadikanlah aku pembawa pengampunan.

Bila terjadi perselisihan, jadikanlah aku pembawa kerukunan.

Bila terjadi kebimbangan, jadikanlah aku pembawa kepastian.

Bila terjadi kesesatan, jadikanlah aku pembawa kebenaran.

Bila terjadi kecemasan, jadikanlah aku pembawa harapan.

Bila terjadi kesedihan, jadikanlah aku sumber kegembiraan.

Bila terjadi kegelapan, jadikanlah aku pembawa terang.

Tuhan, semoga aku lebih ingin menghibur dari pada dihibur,

memahami dari pada dipahami, mencintai dari pada dicintai.

Sebab dengan memberi aku menerima, dengan mengampuni aku diampuni,

Dengan mati suci aku bangkit lagi untuk hidup selama-lamanya.

[St. Fransiskus Asisi]


Doa Mohon apa yang Aku Kehendaki

Tuhan, anugerahkanlah kepadaku: agar aku mendapatkan pengertian yang lebih

mendalam mengenai Engkau, lebih mencintai Engkau, dan mengikuti Engkau

lebih dekat lagi.

[Latihan Rohani St Ignatius Loyola, 104]


Ya Tuhan, Aku Cinta Padamu

Ya Tuhan, aku cinta padaMu, aku cinta padaMu, bukan lantaran aku

mengharapkan surga bagiku, bukan lantaran kecut hati tersulut kobaran api


Engkau, Engkau, Yesusku – demi aku – Engkau wafat membentangkan tangan,

menderita tusukan paku tikaman tombak, wajah memar cemar, sedih pedih hati

tak terukur, peluh, menating keprihatinan dan menyangga beban, dan akhirnya

Engkau mangkat … Ini semua demi aku!

Dan Engakau melihat menerawang terang aku berdosa …

Lalu, aku, mengapa aku tak cinta padaMu, Yesus, jika Engkau sedemikian cinta


Bukan lantaran aku ingin meraih surga, bukan lantaran aku akan terbebas dari

neraka, bukan lantaran demi untung yang terkandung.

Melainkan, sebagaimana Engkau cinta padaku, aku pun cinta padaMu, dan

akan selalu begitu.

Demi pamrih apakah, ya Tuhan, aku cinta padaMu selain lantaran Engkau

adalah Raja dan Allahku?

[St. Fransiskus Xaverius versi John Hopkins, SJ]


Doa Persembahan Pelajar Asosiasi Sekolah Jesuit Indonesia (ASJI)

Allah, Bapa yang Mahakuasa,

demi kemuliaan-Mu yang lebih besar,

aku persembahkan perjuangan diriku kepada-Mu,

bersama Yesus, Tuhan dan Sahabatku.

Berilah aku hati Putra-Mu

Hati yang peka dan mampu merasakan kehadiran-Mu dalam segala peristiwa


sehingga aku mampu berbuat baik bagi sesamaku: keluarga, sahabat dan

khususnya mereka yang hidup dalam kemiskinan dan kesulitan.

Berilah aku mata Putera-Mu

Mata yang tajam melihat kehadiran Mu dalam segala ciptaan dan kekayaan

alam negeri ini, sehingga aku berani terlibat untuk menjaga kelestarian dan

keutuhan alam ciptaan-Mu.

Berilah aku telinga Putera-Mu

Telinga yang tajam mendengarkan suara panggilan-Mu untuk membawa damai

serta kerukunan dalam persahabatan dengan sesama yang berbeda agama,

kepercayaan, dan pandangan hidup.

Akhirnya,bersama Bunda Maria dan Santo Ignasius Loyola,

serta para Kudus pejuang iman dan pencinta lingkungan kehidupan,

aku persembahkan seluruh tekad dan impianku kepada-Mu,kini dan sepanjang

masa. Amin


Doa Tobat

Allah yang maharahim, aku menyesal atas dosa-dosaku. Aku sungguh patut Engkau hukum, terutama karena aku telah tidak setia kepada Engkau yang maha pengasih dan mahabaik bagiku.

Aku benci akan segala dosaku, dan berjanji dengan pertolongan rahmat-Mu hendak memperbaiki hidupku dan tidak akan berbuat dosa lagi. Allah yang maha-murah, ampunilah aku, orang berdosa.



Doa Malaikat Tuhan

Di doakan pada pukul 06.00, 12.00 dan 18.00

Maria diberi kabar oleh malaikat Tuhan,

Bahwa ia akan mengandung dari Roh Kudus.

Salam Maria 1x

Aku ini hamba Tuhan,

Terjadilah padaku menurut perkataan-Mu.

Salam Maria 1x

Sabda sudah menjadi daging,

Dan tinggal diantara kita.

Salam Maria 1x

Doakanlah kami, ya Santa Bunda Allah, Supaya kami

dapat menikmati janji Kristus.

Ya Allah, karena kabar malaikat kami mengetahui bahwa Yesus Kristus Putra-Mu menjadi manusia. Curahkanlah rahmat-Mu ke dalam hati kami, supaya karena sengsara dan salib-Nya, kami dibawa kepada kebangkitan yang mulia. Sebab Dialah Tuhan, pengantara kami.



Ratu Surga

Didoakan pada jam 6.00, 12.00, dan 18.00 di Masa Paskah

Ratu surga bersukacitalah, Alleluya,

Sebab Ia yang sudi Kau kandung, Alleluya!

Telah bangkit seperti disabdakan-Nya, Alleluya,

Doakanlah kami pada Allah, Alleluya!

Bersukacitalah dan bergembiralah, Perawan Maria, Alleluya,

Sebab Tuhan sungguh telah bangkit, Alleluya!

Marilah berdoa. (Hening)

Ya Allah, Engkau telah menggembirakan dunia dengan kebangkitan Putra-Mu, Tuhan kami Yesus Kristus.

Kami mohon, perkenankanlah kami bersukacita dalam kehidupan kekal bersama bunda-Nya, Perawan Maria.

Demi Kristus, pengantara kami.



Doa Ulang Tahun

Kalau doa ini diucapkan sendiri oleh yang berulang tahun, kata ganti ‘kami’, ‘dia’, dan ‘nya’ supaya diganti atau disesuaikan.

Allah yang mahakuasa, pencipta umat manusia, pada hari gembira ini kami memuji kebesaran-Mu. Engkau telah menciptakan …. (nama) dengan penuh kasih.

Kami bersyukur kepada-Mu karena misteri kejadiannya; sungguh ajaiblah yang telah Engkau kerjakan.

Seperti kelahiran dan hidup Yesus, membawa damai dan sukacita, semoga hidupnya pun membawa damai dan sukacita bagi sesama.

Terima kasih, ya Bapa, atas penyertaan-Mu sepanjang perjalanan hidupnya. Terima kasih pula, Engkau selalu membesarkan hatinya di saat ia mengalami duka dan kecemasan. Semoga hari bahagia ini menguatkan imannya akan Dikau.

Kami bersyukur kepada-Mu atas segala anugerah yang ia terima selama tahun yang silam. Kami bersyukur kepada-Mu karena segala simpati, persahabatan dan kasih sayang yang ia rasakan dari orangtua, sanak saudara dan handai taulan. Kami mohon agar hari-hari yang akan ia lalui ini membawa bahagia: semoga ia dapat bekerja lancar, dan usahanya semakin berkembang. Tetapi lebih dari itu semua, semoga ia tak pernah terpisah dari-Mu, apa pun juga yang akan terjadi, sebab Engkaulah tumpuan hidupnya; semoga Engkau menyertai dia hari ini, besok, dan sepanjang hayatnya.



Doa Pada Waktu Sakit dan Menderita

Allah yang mahakuasa, kasihanilah hamba-Mu yang sakit ini. Dalam iman kepada-Mu aku mengaduh. Hari-hari kesengsaraan kini mencekam aku. Batinku tertekan, hari-hari yang sunyi melanda diriku. Dalam kesesakanku ini aku ingat akan Yesus yang berkeliling di seluruh Galilea untuk mengajar, memberitakan Injil serta melenyapkan segala penyakit, dan kelemahan. Dialah penyelamat yang kucari, penyembuh yang sejati dan penuh kasih. la telah turun dari surga ke dunia untuk mengunjungi orang-orang-Nya yang sakit. Utuslah Dia agar sekarang pun la mengunjungi aku. Biarlah pada hari-hari aku sakit ini la mengajar aku, memberitakan Injil-Nya, dan melenyapkan penyakitku.

Semoga karena ajaran-Nya aku selalu ingat akan Dikau, Allah yang telah menciptakan aku. Dan semoga penyakit yang kuderita ini menyadarkan aku akan kelemahanku, dan membangkitkan iman serta harapan akan kuasa penyembuhan-Mu. Semoga pengalaman sakit ini membuat aku lebih dekat dengan Dikau, lebih berkenan kepada-Mu, dan bersikap lebih tulus.

Bapa, aku bersyukur kepada-Mu atas kasih yang diberikan oleh saudara-saudara yang merawat dan melawat aku. Balaslah kasih mereka dengan berkat yang melimpah, dan apabila tugas pelayanan mereka di dunia ini sudah usai, perkenankanlah mereka menerima Kerajaan yang telah Kau sediakan bagi mereka sejak dunia dijadikan, sebab apa yang mereka lakukan bagiku telah mereka lakukan bagi Tuhan Yesus sendiri.

Ingatlah juga, ya Bapa, akan semua orang yang sakit. Tabahkanlah mereka, dan berilah kesembuhan. Engkaulah penyelamat, dan hidupku, Engkaulah penghibur, dan penebusku, Engkaulah harapanku di dunia ini, dan mahkotaku di dunia yang akan datang. Kasihanilah aku, ya Bapa, demi Yesus Kristus, penyembuh yang sejati, kini dan sepanjang masa.



Doa Untuk Anggota Keluarga yang Sudah Meninggal

Allah, pangkal kehidupan semua insan, Engkau telah memanggil … dari tengah-tengah kami untuk kembali ke hadirat-Mu. Dia sekarang berada di pangkuan-Mu. Tetapi kami tetap merasa bersatu dengan dia. Sebab kami semua adalah putra-Mu, kami sama-sama anggota Tubuh Kristus yang satu, warga persekutuan kaum beriman dahulu, kini, dan yang akan datang.

Kami yakin bahwa hidupnya hanyalah diubah, bukannya dilenyapkan; dan bahwa suatu kediaman abadi

kini tersedia baginya di surga: Didasari oleh keyakinan ini, semoga dalam menghadapi maut yang tak terelakkan kami tidak lagi merasa takut, karena sungguh-sungguh didukung oleh harapan akan hidup abadi yang Kau janjikan kepada kami.

Bapa, ampunilah segala dosanya, dan terimalah dia dalam pangkuan kasih-Mu. la telah mati seperti Kristus; maka perkenankanlah ia pun bangkit seperti Kristus.

Kami berdoa pula bagi semua orang yang telah Kau panggil mendahului kami. Karena belas kasih dan kerahiman-Mu, semoga mereka memperoleh kebahagiaan bersama para kudus-Mu.

Ya Bapa, semua harapan ini kami haturkan kepada-Mu dengan pengantaraan Yesus Kristus, dalam persekutuan Roh Kudus, kini dan sepanjang masa.
